Sunday, December 29, 2013

7 Things You Probably Didn't Know About Honey

1. In general, the darker the honey the higher the antioxidant content. The exceptions to this rule are light clover honey (high in antioxidants) and dark mesquite honey (low in antioxidants).

2. Bees work really really hard to make it. According to 101 Foods That Could Save Your Life by David Grotto, "bees travel an average of 55,000 miles and need to tap over two million flowers just to bring you one pound of honey."

3. Honey should not be fed to babies. Do not feed honey to children under the age of one year because infants lack the ability to kill botulism spores that lie within.

4. Honey may have powerful wound-healing properties. According to 101 Foods That Could Save Your Life by David Grotto, "A special preparation of honey called Medihoney, known for its high antibacterial properties, was used in treating wound care in Children's Hospital in Bonn, Germany, for three years. Researchers observed significant reductions in even the most resistant wound infections as a result of using the honey preparation."

5. Pasteurized and processed honey has fewer nutrients. Many of the health-promoting nutrients and enzymes are destroyed by high-heat processing. Seek out raw, unfiltered honey to get the most health benefits.

6. Consuming local honey is thought to help to relieve allergies. The idea is that you will gradually build up a resistance to pollen.

7. Honey masks may help treat acne. Honey is a natural antiseptic and may help to reduce breakouts caused by bacteria. Check out this Anti Acne Honey Cinnamon Mask Tutorial or The Best Natural Face Scrub For Winter

We hope you enjoyed learning about honey! Don't forget to follow Eat Groovy on Twitter (@EatGroovy) and Pinterest ( and subscribe via email here!

Monday, December 16, 2013

Eat Groovy Q & A: Why Is Garlic Good For Your Heart?

Question: Why Is Garlic Good For Your Heart?

Answer: Studies suggest that garlic can help to lower cholesterol and thin the blood. According to The Best Things You Can Eat: For Everything from Aches to Zzzz, the Definitive Guide to the Nutrition-Packed Foods that Energize, Heal, and Help You Look Great by David Grotto, "Garlic lowers LDL by 
dampening the activity of the main cholesterol-producing enzyme in the liver. Eating as little as a clove a day has been shown to rev up the body's ability to dissolve blood clots, which can precipitate a heart attack by sealing off plaque-filled arteries."

Garlic Recipes To Try:
How to Make Garlic Roasted Cauliflower - Oven Roasted Cauliflower Recipe!
Broccoli Gratin Recipe
How To Make Delicious Grilled Veggie Kabobs

More Eat Groovy Q&A:
Eat Groovy Q & A: Are Steel-Cut Oats Healthier For You Than Rolled Oats?
Eat Groovy Q & A: Can Spicy Mustard Boost Your Metabolism?
Eat Groovy Q&A: Does Frozen Yogurt Contain Live Cultures?

Don't forget to follow Eat Groovy on Twitter (@EatGroovy) !

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

5 Potential Health Benefits of Ginger

1. Ginger may help to relieve joint pain. According to The Top 100 Foods for a Younger You: 100 Remedies to Turn Back the Clock by Sarah Merson, "Because ginger is such an effective anti-inflammatory, it is among the most respected herbs for the treatment of joint problems such as arthritis." 

2. Ginger may help to relieve nausea. Ginger has been recommended as an especially great natural remedy for those experiencing motion sickness or morning sickness during pregnancy. In one study of women in the early stages of pregnancy, over half reported a reduction in pregnancy related nausea and vomiting after taking a ginger capsule. Ginger is an extremely safe remedy for pregnant women compared to many antivomiting drugs which can cause severe birth defects. 

3. Ginger may help to treat ovarian cancer. According to 101 Foods That Could Save Your Life by David Grotto, "Ginger induced apoptis (programmed cell death) and autophagy (cells digesting themselves) in ovarian cancer cells. Ginger was also effective at controlling inflammation, thus stopping the cancer cells from growing." Other studies suggest that ginger may help to treat other types of cancer as well. The cancer fighting properties of ginger are likely due to its powerful antioxidant properties. 

4. Ginger can help to improve the absorption of essential nutrients. Ginger has been long recommended for its ability to help promote healthy digestion. Ginger contains unique enzymes which may help to soothe the stomach lining and break down proteins. Ginger can also help to relieve bloating and stomach cramps. 

5. Ginger may improve circulation. Many people eat more ginger during the winter and holiday season and there may be a good reason to! The circulation stimulating properties of ginger can help to warm you up. The blood thinning qualities of ginger may also help to lower blood pressure and reduce your risk of blood clots.

We hope you found this information helpful! For lots of great healthy eating tips be sure to follow Eat Groovy on Twitter (@EatGroovy) and subscribe to our blog via email here.

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Thursday, December 5, 2013

5 Things You Probably Didn't Know About Licorice!

1. When many people think of licorice, they think of certain candies, but the true licorice content in most candy is actually very low. In fact, some do not contain real licorice root at all! Twizzlers aside, real licorice root is a popular herb with some great health benefits.

2. Licorice may help treat certain cancers. According to, "Current research conducted at Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey, supports the use of licorice in the treatment of prostate and breast cancer."

3. In the United States, anise seed is commonly used as a substitute for licorice flavoring, but it is not related to the true licorice plant.

4. Although licorice root can have many health benefits, you should not eat real licorice on a regular basis if you have high blood pressure. The glycyrrhizin content can raise blood pressure.

5. Licorice is the second most prescribed herb in China, with the first being Ginseng.

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Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Eat Groovy Q & A: Are Steel-Cut Oats Healthier For You Than Rolled Oats?

Question: Are Steel-Cut Oats Healthier For You Than Rolled Oats?

Answer: Not really. The nutritional difference between steel-cut oats and rolled oats is not significant. The protein, carbohydrate, calorie, fiber, fat, calcium, and iron contents are basically the same. Although rolled oats are processed a bit more and flattened this process does not destroy nutrients. Both kinds are very good for you! (See A Few Reasons Oatmeal Is So Good For You! to learn more.)

The kind of oats that you do want to avoid, however, are the instant packet varieties which may contain a lot of added sugar, salt, flavorings, and preservatives.

If you're looking for a new way to eat oatmeal you may be interested in trying this Baked Banana Oatmeal Recipe! It looks delicious, right?

We hope you found this information helpful. Be sure to follow Eat Groovy on Twitter (@EatGroovy) and Facebook ( for lots of great healthy eating tips:) Thanks!

Monday, December 2, 2013

This Is 200 Calories

Watch this helpful video by ASAPScience to see what 200 calories looks like for different foods. You might be surprised!

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Five Foods That May Help You Sleep Better

1. Salmon

Salmon is high in vitamin B6 which is needed to make the sleep inducing hormone melatonin. Other foods high in B6 include tuna, chickpeas, and bananas.

2. Walnuts

According to 101 Foods That Could Save Your Life by David Grotto, "Walnuts contain the powerful
antioxidant melatonin, which promotes restful sleep. University of Texas researcher Russel Reiter found that adding walnuts to the diet increased blood levels of melatonin three-fold!"

3. Chamomile Tea

Steeping a cup of chamomile tea before bed may be just what you need in order to fall asleep quickly. Researchers have found that the tea may cause an increase of the chemical glycine, which relaxes the body and acts as a natural sedative.

4. Kale

Kale is rich in calcium which helps the brain use tryptophane to manufacture melatonin. Research has suggested that being calcium deficient can cause sleep problems.

5. Cherries

According to 101 Foods That Could Save Your Life by David Grotto, "Tart Montmorency cherries are rich in the antioxidant melatonin, which may help in promoting sleep." In one study, drinking tart cherry juice twice a day appeared to provide some relief to chronic insomnia patients.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

5 Things You Probably Didn't Know About Cranberries

1. Cranberries can both bounce and float. This is due to pockets of air inside the fruit. 

2. According to, "If you strung all the cranberries produced in North America last year, they would stretch from Boston to Los Angeles more that 565 times." Pretty impressive, right?

3. Cranberries were originally named "craneberries" because people thought that the blossoms on the plants resembles cranes.

4. Cranberries may help prevent cancer. According to 101 Foods That Could Save Your Life by David Grotto, "Multiple studies have found that flavonoid compounds including anthocyanins, flavonols, and proanthocyanidins, found naturally in cranberries, may be able to fight leukemia, breast, lung, colon, and potentially many other types of cancer."

5. Only about five percent of cranberries are sold fresh. The rest are turned in various types of cranberry products including dried cranberries, cranberry sauce, and cranberry juice.

Related Articles:

Monday, November 25, 2013

5 Foods That May Reduce the Risk of Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer is the second most common cancer among men worldwide and the leading cancer for men in the United States. Here are five nutrient rich foods that may help to prevent it .

1. Onions

Not only is there strong evidence that onions can help lower the risk of prostate cancer, they may also help prevent other types of cancer too.

"Onions are a cancer-fighting food. In a number of impressive published studies, the consumption of onions (and other members of the allium vegetable family) demonstrated protective effects against stomach cancer. And in one study published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, eating onions (as well as other members of its family like garlic, scallions, chives, and leeks) significantly lowered the risk for prostate cancer. Onions (and there close relatives) have also been shown to have the same effect against esophageal cancer."

2. Tomatoes

Tomatoes contain the powerful antioxidant lycopene, which multiple studies suggest may help to both reduce the risk of prostate cancer and prevent tumor growth. Eating cooked tomatoes or tomato sauce along with foods rich in healthy fats, like olive oil or avocados, is the best way to get lycopene in a way that your body can easily absorb.

3. Broccoli

According to

"Several studies have demonstrated a lower chance of developing prostate cancer among men who eat large amounts of broccoli or other cruciferous vegetables...Although the reasons as to why are still unclear, some researchers propose that one of the pytochemicals found in these vegetables, called sulforaphane, selectively targets and kills cancer cells while leaving normal prostate cells healthy and unaffected."

4. Pomegranate Juice

Preliminary studies show the potential of pomegranate juice to reduce the risk of prostate cancer is promising.

According to

"Two recent studies suggest that pomegranate juice may help fight prostate cancer. In one study, scientists grew cells from highly aggressive cases of human prostate cancer in tissue cultures. Pomegranate fruit extracts slowed the growth of the cultured cancer cells and promoted cell death. The researchers then implanted the cancer cells in mice. A group of mice that received water laced with pomegranate juice developed significantly smaller tumors than the untreated animals. In a preliminary study of men with prostate cancer, pomegranate juice lengthened patients’ PSA doubling time (the longer the doubling time, the slower the tumor is growing) from 15 months before treatment to 54 months on the juice."

5. Grapes

This is good news for red wine lovers. According to 101 Foods That Could Save Your Life! by David Grotto, "A cell study using advanced human prostate cells found that treatment with grape seed extract inhibited cell growth and caused them to die. Another study showed that drinking four or more glasses of red wine per week could cut the risk of prostate cancer in half."

Sunday, November 24, 2013

10 Potential Health Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar!

Apple cider vinegar is made when fresh cider is fermented into an alcoholic drink and then fermented once again into a vinegar. Apple cider vinegar has been used for its health benefits for thousands of years. Although most of these health benefits are unproven, we still find them interesting and worth knowing! Many studies that support these claims are promising, but preliminary. Here is a list of ten potential health benefits of apple cider vinegar! 

1. Apple cider vinegar may help to control blood sugar levels. It is often used as a natural treatment for diabetes.

2. Apple cider vinegar may help to lower cholesterol.

3. Apple cider vinegar may help with weight loss. This is probably at least partly due to the fact that vinegar tends to make people feel full. It has also been thought to boost metabolism.

4. Apple cider vinegar may help to reduce gas and bloating. It may also help to relieve heartburn.

5. Apple cider vinegar may help prevent cancer by promoting alkalinity in the body.

6. Apple cider vinegar may provide relief from night time leg cramps.

7. Apple cider vinegar may boost your energy. It contains amino acids that may fight lactic acid build up that can cause fatigue.

8. Apple cider vinegar may help relieve sinus congestion.

9. Apple cider vinegar may help to soothe a sore throat.

10. Apple cider vinegar may help to detoxify the liver.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

How to Feed Your Family Healthy Meals on a Tight Budget!

Eating healthy doesn't always have to cost a fortune! Check out this Howcast video for some great tips on how to eat healthy on a tight budget! 

Friday, November 22, 2013

5 Things You Probably Didn't Know About Rosemary!

1. The rosemary fragrance has been used in aromatherapy since the fourteenth century. In particular, the scent of rosemary is thought to be a memory-stimulant. The scent is also thought to relieve stress and reduce anxiety.

2. The name originates from the Latin word, rosmarinus, which means "mist of the sea."

3. Rosemary may help treat Alheimer's. According to The 150 Healthiest Foods on Earth: The Surprising, Unbiased Truth About What You Should Eat and Why, "Rosemary contains several compounds that prevent the breakdown of acetylcholine, an important neurotransmitter in the brain and one that is needed for memory and healthy brain function. (In fact, one drug used for Alzheimer's-Aricept-works similarly, by interfering with acetylcholine breakdown.)"

4. There is a tradition of placing rosemary sprigs on graves to show that loved ones will not be forgotten.

5. Rosemary is part of the mint family.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Five Foods To Fight Anxiety!

Eating the right foods can be a great way to hep control anxiety and stress. Here are five healthy foods that provide important nutrients that can help reduce stress and stabilize your mood.

1. Blueberries

Why they help: Blueberries are very high in antioxidants & rich in vitamin C.

Also see: Why Are Blueberries So Nutritious?

2. Almonds

Why they help: Almonds are rich in B Vitamins, Magnesium, & Zinc.

3. Dark Chocolate

Why it helps: Cocoa has a high antioxidant content.

4. Asparagus

Why it helps: Asparagus is rich in folate.

5. Spinach

Why it helps: Spinach is rich in magnesium and folate.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Why Potassium Is Important & Which Foods To Get It From!

Watch this short and informative video below to find out why potassium is important to good health and which foods to get it from. Also, the video shares a delicious potassium smoothie recipe!

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Monday, November 18, 2013

3 Reasons Bananas Are Good For You!

1. Bananas are a good source of fiber. Bananas provide 3-4 g of fiber each. Although fiber is essential to good health and a healthy digestive system, many people are lacking it in their diet. Fiber is good for your heart, can help promote weight loss, and helps to control blood sugar levels. Eating more fiber may also help to reduce the risk of diseases such as diabetes, cancer, and heart disease. 

2. Bananas are a good source of potassium. A medium banana contains around 420 mg of potassium. Potassium is an important mineral for proper cell function and a healthy heart. Potassium can also help to lower your blood pressure. Low potassium levels can lead to weakness and muscle cramps. 

3. Bananas are good for your digestive system. Bananas contain prebiotics called fructoogliosaccharides which help to nourish the "good bacteria" in your gut. Maintaining a healthy balance of good bacteria in your digestive system is crucial to protecting the body from harmful bacteria that may cause illness.

Thanks for reading, and we hope you learned something! Be sure to follow us on Twitter (@EatGroovy) and Facebook ( for lots of great healthy eating tips!

Related Posts:
Delicious Baked Banana Oatmeal Recipe!
5 Things You Probably Didn't Know About Bananas!

Saturday, November 16, 2013

5 Vegetables High In Fiber!

Fiber is an important nutrient that many people do not get enough of. It is essential for a healthy digestive system, good for your heart, promotes weight loss, and helps control blood sugar levels. Eating more fiber may help to reduce the risk of diseases such as diabetes, cancer, and heart disease. Add more fiber to your diet by eating more of these five fiber-rich vegetables! 

1) Artichokes
Artichokes contain more fiber per serving than any other vegetable! One medium artichoke contains around 10 grams of fiber. Artichokes are also very high in antioxidants and great for the liver (3 Amazing Health Benefits of Artichokes!). 

A Few Delicious Artichoke Recipes:

2) Green Peas
One cup of green peas contains around 9 grams of fiber. Eat cooked green peas as a side dish or try adding them to soups, salads, pastas and casseroles! 

3) Broccoli
One cup of broccoli contains about 5 grams of fiber. Broccoli is also a great source of other important nutrients including vitamin C, lutein, and beta carotene. 

4) Brussels Sprouts
Brussels sprouts contain about 4 grams of fiber per cup. Brussels sprouts also help protect against cancer, are high in vitamin C, and contain powerful anti-inflammatory nutrients (3 Great Reasons To Eat Brussels Sprouts!). 

5) Sweet Corn
Sweet corn contains about 4 grams of fiber per cup. Get even more fiber by mixing corn with black beans in this Easy Black Bean Corn Salad! or try this delicious Chili Lime Grilled Corn on the Cob!

Friday, November 15, 2013

5 Things You Probably Didn't Know About Cabbage!


1. Cabbage has been cultivated for over 4000 years! It has been used for nourishment throughout history, by everyone from sailors, to warriors, to the builders of the Great Wall of China!

2. Cabbage has been linked to fertility. According to 101 Foods That Could Save Your Life by David Grotto, " some cultures, a bowl of cabbage soup is given to newlyweds the morning after their wedding as part of a fertility ritual. Perhaps that's where the concept for "cabbage patch kids" came from!"

3. Cabbage is a top cancer fighting food! Numerous studies have linked cabbage to cancer prevention. In his book, The 150 Healthiest Foods on Earth, Dr. Jonny Bowden calls the cabbage family "probably the most important vegetable in the world from the point of nutritional benefits and cancer fighting ability."

4. Although cabbage is a very healthy choice for most people, people with hypothyroidism should consume it in moderation. This is because cabbage contains some natural substances that can interfere with the function of the thyroid gland.

5. Cabbage juice is sold in many health stores as a popular home remedy for ulcers.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

5 Reasons To Eat Turmeric!

Turmeric, also known as Indian Saffron, is a spice from the ginger family, typically used in its dried powdered form, and is frequently used in Middle Eastern and South Asian cooking, especially in India where over 90% of the turmeric in the world is produced. It is responsible for making curry and mustard yellow-orange in color. Turmeric has many health benefits and here are just five reasons to think about adding more of this super spice to your diet!

1) Turmeric May Help To Prevent Dementia and Alzheimer's
Turmeric contains a phytochemical called curcumin which has powerful antioxidant and disease fighting properites. According to 101 Foods That Could Save Your Life by David Grotto, "One mouse study confirmed that curcumin significantly lowers oxidized proteins and inflammatory cytokines associated with Alzheimer's. Elderly people who ate curry at least once a month scored better on tests to measure cognitive function than those who reported they ate curry less frequently."

2) Turmeric Can Help To Alleviate Arthritis and Joint Inflammation
Turmeric has powerful anti-inflammatory properties. For this reason, it is frequently used for the treatment of arthritis, and can also be useful for muscle pains, joint inflammation, and carpel tunnel syndrome. According to studies, turmeric may be as effective as anti-inflammatory medications, without any toxic side effects.

3) Turmeric May Help Prevent the Growth of Cancerous Tumors
According to The 150 Healthiest Foods on Earth: The Surprising, Unbiased Truth About What You Should Eat and Why by Jonny Bowden, "There are at least thirty published studies indicating that curcumin has an antitumor effect (either reducing the number or size of tumors or the percentage of animals who developed them)." In particular, turmeric has been linked to the prevention and/or treatment of skin cancer, breast cancer, prostate cancer, and colon cancer.

4) Turmeric Is Great For Your Liver
Turmeric can help to protect and detoxify the liver. Turmeric has been used to help treat liver conditions such as hepatitis, cirrhosis, and jaundice. Promising studies also suggest that curcumin may even kill liver cancer according to The liver protective qualities of turmeric are similar to those found in milk thistle and artichokes

5) Turmeric Is Great For Your Skin
Because of it powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, turmeric is great for your skin. It may help with the treatment of skin conditions such as psoriasis and eczema. It has also been associated with the treatment of acne, dark spots, and hyper-pigmentation. As a powerful antioxidant, turmeric can help to slow the aging process, prevent wrinkles, and improve the skin's elasticity.

We hope you enjoyed learning more about this delicious spice! If you love spices, you may also be interested in checking out 3 Health Benefits of Cayenne Pepper!5 Spices That May Boost Your Metabolism!, and/or Why Is Ginger So Good For You?

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Eat Groovy Q&A: Can Spicy Mustard Boost Your Metabolism?

Question: Can spicy mustard boost your metabolism?

Answer: Yes! You may have heard that hot peppers can boost your metabolism and spicy mustard works the same way. It increases your body temperature causing your body to burn more calories as it uses energy to cool down. According to a recent article in, Scientists at England's Oxford Polytechnic Institute recently found that eating just one teaspoon of hot mustard may boost metabolism 20 to 25% for several hours after eating! Mustard is also likely to be beneficial to your health in other ways, because mustard seeds are a good source of health promoting nutrients such as omega-3 fatty acids, selenium, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, and glucosinolates. Plus, mustard is very low in calories (only about 5 calories per teaspoon) compared to other condiments such as mayo, which makes it a great choice for those looking to add flavor while watching their weight.

Related Articles:

3 Health Benefits of Cayenne Pepper!

Spice It Up! Here Are Three Spices That Are Great For Your Health!

5 Spices That Boost Your Metabolism!

Thursday, October 10, 2013

5 Delicious Ways To Eat Pumpkin Seeds!

Pumpkin seeds are both delicious and packed full of nutrients! They contain magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, protein, zinc, fiber, selenium, and manganese. Pumpkin seeds are also a good source of omega-3 fatty acids. Also, pumpkin seeds have a high phytosterol content which may help to lower cholesterol. Although you can certainly eat pumpkin seeds plain and raw, here are five more great ways to eat this delicious food!

1) Spice 'Em Up!
If you enjoy snacks with a bit of a kick, try roasting pumpkin seeds seasoned with turmeric, garlic, cayenne pepper, or chipotle flakes.

2) Add Pumpkin Seeds To Oatmeal!
Start your day off right, by eating this nutrient packed breakfast combination!

3) Add Pumpkin Seeds To Trail Mix!
Pumpkin seeds would probably be a welcome addition to most trail mixes, but here is a recipe for a Pumpkin Seed Dried Cherry Trail Mix that sounds especially delicious!

4) Sweeten 'Em Up!
Try roasting pumpkin seeds seasoned with a little cinnamon, nutmeg, and/or brown sugar for a snack that's sweet and crispy. Plus, your kitchen will smell amazing!

5) Add Pumpkin Seeds To Salad!
Try tossing spinach or kale with cranberries and pumpkin seeds mixed with a vinaigrette dressing for a delicious autumn salad!

Fun Fact: According to the book 101 Foods That Could Save Your Life, Pumpkin seeds found in Mexico were estimated to at least 7500 years old!

Related Articles:
Why Is Pumpkin Super Nutritious?

A Few Reasons Oatmeal Is Good For You

3 Great Reasons To Eat More Omega-3 Fatty Acids!

Monday, September 16, 2013

10 Great Health Benefits Of Onions!

1. Onions can help to regulate blood sugar. They contain the mineral chromium which helps cells respond to insulin.

2. Onions can help strengthen your immune system. Not only do onions contain vitamin C, which is critical for a healthy immune system, they also contain flavonoids that help vitamin C function more efficiently.

3. Onions are high in antioxidants. Antioxidants are important in helping to protect the body from free radical damage.

4. Onions can help keep your heart healthy by increasing the production of good cholesterol. 

5. Onions can help to soothe pain from bee stings. Try applying a little onion juice to the affected area for immediate relief.

6. Green onions are high in Vitamin A. Among other health benefits, vitamin A is especially important for good vision.

7. Onions may help to relieve asthma and hay fever. Onions are anti-inflammatory and may block some of the inflammatory responses in the airways.

8. Onions can help to prevent cancer. Onions contain a compound called quercetin which studies suggest may play a significant role in cancer prevention. Onions rank in the top 10 of commonly eaten vegetables in their quercetin content. 

9. Onions can help to increase bone density. As a result, frequent eating of onions may be especially beneficial to older women who are at increased risk of bone loss and resulting fractures.

10. Onions are detoxifying. They are rich in sulfur and are especially good for the liver. 

If you are interested in learning a few fun facts about onions check out: 5 Things You Probably Didn't Know About Onions!

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Why You Should Avoid Mixing Grapefruit Juice With Meds

According to The 150 Healthiest Foods on Earth: The Surprising Unbiased Truth about What You Should Eat and Why it may not be wise to drink grapefruit juice while on medication. According to the book,

"It causes the medicine to stay in the bloodstream longer, which in some cases can boost the amount in your system to a dangerous high. Drugs that are affected include allergy medication (like Allegra), congestive heart failure medication (like Digoxin), blood pressure medicines and/or calcium channel blockers (like Cozaar, Plendil, Procardia, and Sular), epilepsy drugs (like Carbatrol and Tegretol), and cholesterol-lowering drugs (like Mevacor, Zocar, and Lipitor), but there are probably tons more, so if your med isn't on that list, don't take a chance. If you're curious as to why this happens, three compounds in grapefruit belonging to a class called furocoumarins inhibit a key enzyme, CYP3A4, that metabolizes and regulates certain drugs."

Hope you found this information helpful!

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Salmon 101: How To Choose And Cook Salmon

Salmon is one of the healthiest and most nutritious foods you can eat. It's full of heart healthy omega-3 fatty acids and a great source of protein. But what is the best kind to buy? Check out this helpful video for some need to know tips on buying and preparing salmon!

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Great Tips For Grilling Shrimp!

Grilled shrimp can be quick, healthy, and delicious addition to any meal! Check out this helpful tutorial for everything you need to know about cooking shrimp on the grill!

Monday, July 8, 2013

3 Important Rules For Eating Fruit!

In addition to being delicious, fruit is one of the healthiest foods you can eat. Fruit is often high in antioxidants, vitamins, and other nutrients. It's also a great natural energy source. However, there are a few rules you should follow when eating fruit to best benefit your health.

1. Avoid eating berries with dairy
Many people add high antioxidant fruit such as blueberries or raspberries to boost the antioxidant content of their dairy based smoothies. Antioxidants are great for your health by helping to protect the body from damaging free radicals. They have been associated with a lower risk of heart disease and cancer, slower aging, and better skin. However, recent studies suggest that proteins in milk interfere with antioxidant absorption. To get the most antioxidant benefits from berries it's best to try to eat them at least an hour before dairy consumption.

2. Avoid eating fruit for desert 
The worst time to eat fruit is right after a meal. It is less likely to be digested properly, more likely to cause bloating and indigestion, and fewer of the nutrients are likely to be absorbed. Try eating fruit on an empty stomach to get the most benefits.

3. Chose fresh fruit over canned varieties when possible
Processed fruit is often less nutritious and may contain added sugar and preservatives that aren't good for you.

Monday, July 1, 2013

How to Make Fresh Spinach Lasagna!

Spinach is one of the healthiest foods you can eat (Find Out Why!). According SuperFoods Rx: Fourteen Foods That Will Change Your Life by Steven Pratt, "Spinach has more demonstrated health benefits than almost any other food." Finding ways to add spinach to your favorite meals is a great way to boost the nutrients in your diet. If you are a lasagna lover, check out this helpful tutorial on how to make fresh spinach lasagna! This top-rated recipe also includes tomatoes, mushrooms, onions, and oregano, which all have great nutritional benefits as well! All in all, it's a delicious meal that you can feel good about!

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Vitamin B6: Benefits, Sources, and RDA

Did you know that Vitamin B6 can play an important role in influencing your mood? Learn more about the benefits, sources, and RDA of B6 in this informative one minute video by Howcast.

The Health Benefits of Coconut Milk!

Check out this short video by HealingPowerHour to find out about the many health benefits of coconut milk!

Friday, June 28, 2013

3 Things To Know About Chocolate!

1. Cocoa Rich Dark Chocolate Has The Most Health Benefits
The health benefits in chocolate come from flavonoids and antioxidants found in real cocoa. Milk chocolate, white chocolate, and most commercial candy bars have very little of it. Also many heavily processed commercial brands replace the healthier cocoa fats with milk fats and hydrogenated oil, as well as adding lots of extra sugar and chemicals. Try to look for chocolate bars that say sixty percent cocoa or higher.

2. Cocoa Is Great For Your Heart
Cocoa contains flavonoids which studies suggest can significantly reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke by lowering blood pressure. It also contains the heart healthy mineral magnesium.

3. Chocolate Can Improve Your Mood
Cocoa can improve your mood by increasing serotonin levels in your brain. Cocoa can also boost  endorphins which trigger a sense of pleasure and help relieve pain.

4 Foods That May Help Relieve Nausea!

Are you looking for a natural remedy for nausea? Here are four foods that can help!

1. Ginger
Ginger contains phytochemicals such as gingerol which help to prevent nausea and vomiting. These chemicals help relieve nausea by promoting the secretion of saliva in the mouth and also promoting the secretion of enzymes in the stomach that help to neutralize stomach acids. Try drinking a cup of ginger tea, sucking on a piece of ginger candy, or eating a few gingersnaps. Ginger can also be taken in supplement form. 

2. Peppermint
The menthol in peppermint provides a cooling sensation in the mouth and stomach that helps relieve nausea by relaxing the digestive muscles. Peppermint also has pain relieving properties. Try drinking some peppermint tea or having some peppermint candy or gum.

3. Saltine Crackers
Starchy foods like saltine crackers can help to relieve nausea by absorbing excess stomach acid. Other starchy foods to try include rice, potatoes, and pretzels.

4. Apples
Apples contain fiber which can help flush nausea causing substances from your stomach. If you are having trouble eating solid foods try some applesauce or apple juice instead.

The Gorgeous Miranda Kerr Shares Her Morning Smoothie Recipe!

In this short video, supermodel Miranda Kerr reveals how she kick-starts her day with a smoothie full of superfoods. Check it out!

The Health Benefits of Avocados

Find out about the many health benefits of avocados in this short video by Margaux Rathbun!

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

3 Great Reasons To Eat Carrots!

Besides being delicious, carrots are low in calories, high in nutrition, and good for your health. Well-known naturopath and author of How to Prevent and Treat Cancer with Natural Medicine Dr. Michael Murray even calls carrots "the king of the vegetables." Here are just three reasons to feel great about eating carrots!

1. Carrots May Reduce The Risk Of Disease
Carrots are high in carotenoids. Carotenoids are a group of powerful antioxidants including beta-carotene and alpha-carotene and are associated with a wide range of health benefits. High carotene intake has been associated with a lower risk of numerous diseases including cardiovascular disease and various cancers such as lung, stomach, colon, breast, cervix, pancreatic, bladder, esophageal, and prostate.

2. Carrots Are Good For Your Eyes
According to The 150 Healthiest Foods on Earth, carrots are "a great source of lutein and zeaxanthin, two other carotenoids that, when working together, have shown enormous promise in protecting the eyes and helping to prevent macular degeneration and cataracts."

3. Carrots Are A Good Source Of Fiber
Fiber is important in keeping your digestive system working smoothly. High fiber intake has also been linked to lower blood cholesterol levels and a reduced risk of heart disease and stroke.

Monday, June 24, 2013

4 Potential Health Benefits of Poppy Seeds

Poppy seeds may be small in size but they are high in nutrition! Here are just four reasons you may want to consider including a few more of them in your diet.

1. Poppy Seeds Are Rich In Oleic Acid 
Oleic acid is an omega-9 fatty acids that may help in lowering LDL or "bad cholesterol" and raising HDL or "good cholesterol"  blood levels. This can help to reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke. Oleic acid may also help to fight cancer and aid in weight loss.

2. Poppy Seeds Are A Good Source of Dietary Fiber
Fiber is important for a healthy digestive system and a diet high in fiber has also been linked to a lowered risk of diabetes and heart disease.

3. Poppy Seeds Are A Good Source of Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Omega-3 fatty acids are important for good health, but since our bodies can't make them we need to get them through food. Check out 3 Good Reasons To Eat More Omega-3 Fatty Acids!

4. Poppy Seeds Are Rich In Minerals
Minerals found in poppy seeds include iron, zinc, magnesium, copper, calcium, potassium, manganese, and phosphorous. All of these are important for good health, and many people are lacking in one or more these in their diet.