Thursday, November 14, 2013

5 Reasons To Eat Turmeric!

Turmeric, also known as Indian Saffron, is a spice from the ginger family, typically used in its dried powdered form, and is frequently used in Middle Eastern and South Asian cooking, especially in India where over 90% of the turmeric in the world is produced. It is responsible for making curry and mustard yellow-orange in color. Turmeric has many health benefits and here are just five reasons to think about adding more of this super spice to your diet!

1) Turmeric May Help To Prevent Dementia and Alzheimer's
Turmeric contains a phytochemical called curcumin which has powerful antioxidant and disease fighting properites. According to 101 Foods That Could Save Your Life by David Grotto, "One mouse study confirmed that curcumin significantly lowers oxidized proteins and inflammatory cytokines associated with Alzheimer's. Elderly people who ate curry at least once a month scored better on tests to measure cognitive function than those who reported they ate curry less frequently."

2) Turmeric Can Help To Alleviate Arthritis and Joint Inflammation
Turmeric has powerful anti-inflammatory properties. For this reason, it is frequently used for the treatment of arthritis, and can also be useful for muscle pains, joint inflammation, and carpel tunnel syndrome. According to studies, turmeric may be as effective as anti-inflammatory medications, without any toxic side effects.

3) Turmeric May Help Prevent the Growth of Cancerous Tumors
According to The 150 Healthiest Foods on Earth: The Surprising, Unbiased Truth About What You Should Eat and Why by Jonny Bowden, "There are at least thirty published studies indicating that curcumin has an antitumor effect (either reducing the number or size of tumors or the percentage of animals who developed them)." In particular, turmeric has been linked to the prevention and/or treatment of skin cancer, breast cancer, prostate cancer, and colon cancer.

4) Turmeric Is Great For Your Liver
Turmeric can help to protect and detoxify the liver. Turmeric has been used to help treat liver conditions such as hepatitis, cirrhosis, and jaundice. Promising studies also suggest that curcumin may even kill liver cancer according to The liver protective qualities of turmeric are similar to those found in milk thistle and artichokes

5) Turmeric Is Great For Your Skin
Because of it powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, turmeric is great for your skin. It may help with the treatment of skin conditions such as psoriasis and eczema. It has also been associated with the treatment of acne, dark spots, and hyper-pigmentation. As a powerful antioxidant, turmeric can help to slow the aging process, prevent wrinkles, and improve the skin's elasticity.

We hope you enjoyed learning more about this delicious spice! If you love spices, you may also be interested in checking out 3 Health Benefits of Cayenne Pepper!5 Spices That May Boost Your Metabolism!, and/or Why Is Ginger So Good For You?

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