Wednesday, November 7, 2012

A List of Ten Natural Appetite Suppressants

1) Coffee-My personal favorite:)
2) Ginger-But ginger ale doesn't count!
3) Pickles-So good!
4) Cayenne Pepper-How much heat can you handle?
5) Apples-But probably not apple pie:(
6) Water-Does anyone else buy Fiji because they love the shape of the bottle?
7) Green Tea- Maybe someday I'll learn to like it! For now I'll stick with the coffee:)
8) Green Leafy Vegetables- But I'm still struggling to kick the Buffalo Ranch dressing habit!
9) Cinnamon-And it's a natural migraine remedy!
10) Hot Sauce-Bring on the Tabasco!


  1. Just remember everything in moderation! Too much caffeine or heat through the use of chillies or hot sauce puts strain on the body. Stimulants do not come without a price.

  2. Just remember everything in moderation! Too much caffeine or heat through the use of chillies or hot sauce puts strain on the body. Stimulants do not come without a price.

  3. Coffee actually makes me hungry. LOL! Veggies don't stick with me. I use hot sauce on lots of stuff. I think I may be hopeless!!1 LOL. Maybe I'll try cinnamon!

    1. You would have to take a supplement to get effective amounts of cinnamon. But it works.

  4. Coffee is the one and only, even though we all know it is not the most healthy one. But still most of us coudln't make it through the day without Coffee.
