Wednesday, January 2, 2013

4 Things To Know About Coconut Oil

1. Coconut oil can make a good cooking ingredient because it is more stable at high heats compared to other oils. This makes it less susceptible to heat-induced damage. Most other oils go toxic at cooking heats, creating free radicals which lead to quicker aging and disease.

2. Coconut oil may increase your metabolism. While most fats contain long chain fatty acids, coconut oil contains medium chain fatty acids which are more easily digested and converted into energy

3. Coconut oil contains lauric acid which strengthens your immune system. Lauric acid is converted into monolaurin in the body which helps destroy bacteria and funguses. With the exception of breast milk, coconut oil is the only source of lauric acid.

4. Coconut oil can be used as a skin moisturizer. It can soothe the skin, slow aging, and even offers some protection against sun damage. It can be used on the scalp to help treat dandruff.


  1. Right on! I love my coconut oil. And coconut cream/manna/spread, etc. All good stuff. 'Sposed to help your brain too. Don't know if I'm smarter yet, but I'm feeling good :)

  2. Coconut Oil has so many benefits. It is extremely nourishing, has anti-microbial properties and contains antioxidants.

  3. How about that -- an oil that can actually increase metabolism! I like the fact that it is good for the skin, too. Great info here!

  4. Great article. I also wrote about coconut oil on my blog. It's my new best friend. Its uses are endless.

  5. Been using it lately with avocado oil too !!!

  6. Good oil, just remember that it is still a saturated fat and you must limits your total intake to less than 7% of your total intake for the day. other than that... your golden.
