Saturday, April 20, 2013

Eat Groovy Q&A: Is There A Nutritional Difference Between Fresh and Canned Pineapple?

Yes! Although canned pineapple is still very healthy to eat, the heat involved in the canning process reduces some of the heat sensitive vitamins such as vitamin C. Although canned pineapple is still a good source of vitamin C, fresh pineapple has a lot more! Also, fresh pineapple contains the enzyme bromelain (destroyed in the canning process) which is thought to have many health benefits including improving digestion, reducing inflammation, and acting as a blood thinner. It's also useful to know that while bromelain may be good for you it also prevents gelatin from setting, so if you're using pineapple in a gelatin desert than using canned pineapple is a must!

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