Sunday, December 1, 2013

Five Foods That May Help You Sleep Better

1. Salmon

Salmon is high in vitamin B6 which is needed to make the sleep inducing hormone melatonin. Other foods high in B6 include tuna, chickpeas, and bananas.

2. Walnuts

According to 101 Foods That Could Save Your Life by David Grotto, "Walnuts contain the powerful
antioxidant melatonin, which promotes restful sleep. University of Texas researcher Russel Reiter found that adding walnuts to the diet increased blood levels of melatonin three-fold!"

3. Chamomile Tea

Steeping a cup of chamomile tea before bed may be just what you need in order to fall asleep quickly. Researchers have found that the tea may cause an increase of the chemical glycine, which relaxes the body and acts as a natural sedative.

4. Kale

Kale is rich in calcium which helps the brain use tryptophane to manufacture melatonin. Research has suggested that being calcium deficient can cause sleep problems.

5. Cherries

According to 101 Foods That Could Save Your Life by David Grotto, "Tart Montmorency cherries are rich in the antioxidant melatonin, which may help in promoting sleep." In one study, drinking tart cherry juice twice a day appeared to provide some relief to chronic insomnia patients.

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